GPM organizes the AI Creation Award competition to encourage college and university students in Taiwan to participate in interdisciplinary design and intelligent automation projects, improving their system design capabilities. Carrying on the aspirations of the Talent Fostering Program For Advanced Industry Equipment of the Ministry of Education, GPM aims to connect the strengths of academia and the industry, facilitating industry transformation. The co-organizers are National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, and the execution organization is Taiwan Automation Intelligence and Robotics Association (TAIROA). The award competition encourages college students to involve in intelligent manufacturing and facilitates learning, technology exchange, and industry-academia collaboration. By cultivating leading talent in intelligent manufacturing and design, GMP aims to improve the industry's competitive advantage.
Ⅱ. Organizers
Organizer: Gallant Micro Machining Co., Ltd
Co-organizers: National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, and National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
Execution organization: Taiwan Automation Intelligence and Robotics Association. (TAIROA) ※Contact Information: Ms. Chen, TAIROA, Phone: 04-23581866 #33 Email:
Ⅲ. Application requirements
Full-time undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students (including international students in Taiwan) from public and private universities nationwide. Students may participate either by school recommendation or by forming teams independently. (Teams can be formed across different universities or departments.)
Team Size Restrictions
Number of Participants: At least 3 students, no more than 5 students. Number of Advisors: 1 to 2 advisors per team. Industry, academia, or research experts may be invited as advisors, but they cannot be current graduate students (master's or doctoral).
The project entries should be the collaboration results among students, teachers, and/or the industry. All entries must be original work, and plagiarism is strictly forbidden.
Any entry failing to meet the requirements above, once reported and confirmed, will be disqualified. Any winning team must return the award once disqualified.
Ⅳ. Application and document submission
The teams must complete the following steps to apply:
Click on the link below to download three documents: Application Form 、 Team Information、Letter of Undertaking and Personal Data Collection Agreement
Complete the Application Form (Forms A1 to A5) and Team Information、Letter of Undertaking and Personal Data Collection Agreement, and please note the following details:
Form A1 (Registration Form) must be stamped by the department office.
Form A2 (Authorization for Public Display of Contest Entries for Industry Matching) must be personally signed and stamped.
Form A4 (Self-Evaluation Form) must be signed or stamped by the advisor and department chair.
Form A5 (R&D Achievement Data Sheet for Promotion) is for surveying patent application and technology transfer status to facilitate analysis of industry-academia collaboration opportunities by the organizer. If filling it out is inconvenient, it may be omitted.
Complete the Team Information Form and include student ID photos of all team members.
Each team must complete one Participation Declaration, signed by the team leader or advisor. Additionally, every team member must complete an Agreement on Personal Data Declaration (or all team members may sign on a single form).
Please fill out team information on the first page.
Scan the completed Form A1、A2、A4、A5 (with stamp and signatures) as a PDF file and upload to the online application.
Upload A1to A5 completed word form to the online application.
Upload the Team Information excel form to the online application.
Upload the Letter of Undertaking and Personal Data Collection Agreement(with signatures) to thee online application.
Upload the Entry Description to cloud.
※ Entry Description must be 6 to10 pages, following the format shown in Form B
Upload the Presentation Video to cloud.
※ The video length must be 2 to 3 minutes, and the participant school/ department/ entry title must be specified in the file name ※ If you need to change the information already submitted, please call Miss. Chen at TAIROATel: 04-23581866 #33
Competition Categories and Details
Competition Categories
The competition focus on the research project on artificial intelligence, smart living, smart factory, and subjects relevant to intelligent automation (such as AI, 5G communication, Industry 4.0, IoT, cloud computing, and big data), including semiconductor optoelectronics, medical equipment, AOI equipment, smart machining tools, intelligent automated information system, digital molds, and smart biomechatronics system. Participant teams must select a project topic meeting the requirements stated above and present actual results.
Industry coverage: semiconductor, display, solar energy, biomedicine, machining tool, mold, circuit board, automotive, food machinery, and intelligent automated equipment such as biomechatronics.
Research subjects can be critical components in equipment, modules, systems, processes, automation of monitoring or inspection, human-machine interface, circuit design, system integration, or software.
Project presentations can be submitted in the form of oral presentations and physical entries. The competition also encourages participants to incorporate additional presentation tools, such as posters, models, and multimedia content.
Competition Details
First round: Jury members review the Entry Descriptions submitted by the teams according to the judging criteria.
Final round: Teams entering the final round must present in person at the organizer's Taichung office, including (1) oral presentation and (2) model and (3) poster presentation.
(1)Oral presentation: Team representatives must conduct a 15-minute presentation (present for 10 minutes, jury Q&A for 5 minutes).
(2)Model and (3)poster presentation: Each participating team must create a physical prototype and use 90 cm by 120 cm posters (1 to 2 posters) or other methods such as models or multimedia to assist in the display. The organizer will provide each team with one exhibition booth. Each team is required to assign personnel to explain the project at their booth to help the judges and visitors understand the work.
The final results will be announced by the end of July 11, 2024, and there will be an award ceremony. The organizer (and the execution organization) will notify the winning teams of the funding schedule of the award money at a later date.
Judging criteria
The competition is divided into the first and final rounds. The organizer (and the execution organization) invites experts from the industry, government, and academia as jury members to evaluate competition entries according to specific judging criteria.
For the first round, the judging criteria focus on the completeness of the submitted document and the relevance of the entry project topic. The list of teams entering the final round is announced on the Award's website before June 5, 2025 . The teams will be notified via telephone and email.
The date of the final round is July 11, 2025 (Friday). The final round consists of oral presentations and poster display; the day's agenda will be announced later.
Results Presentation: From August 20 to August 23, 2025, at the"2025 Taiwan Automation Intelligent and Robot Show"
Judging criteria
Creativity and future prospect
Innovation, creativity, and future prospect of the entry
The potential of being realized, practical, or commercialization
Expected benefits
The entry's influence on the industry or future technologies
Presentation and demo
he techniques, delivery, and effects of oral presentation, poster display, and other presentation tools (device pieces, models, or multimedia content)
Competition Schedule
01 Rules for Competition Announcement
Already available now
The organizer (and the execution organization) announces the Rules for Competition, and the download links of application forms become live.
Participants can download the Rules for Competition, Application Form, and Team Information form on GPM and TAIROA official websites.
02 Application and Entry
Before May 12, 2025
03 First Round Results Announcement
June 5, 2025
04 Final Round Project Review
July 11, 2025
05 Award Ceremony
July 11, 2025
06 Final Result Announcement and Presentation
August 20 to August 23, 2025
Competition Information
Award criteria
Judging criteria
Creativity and future prospect
Innovation, creativity, and future prospect of the entry
The potential of being realized, practical, or commercialization
Expected benefits
The entry's influence on the industry or future technologies
Presentation and demo
The techniques, delivery, and effects of oral presentation, poster display, and other presentation tools (device pieces, models, or multimedia content)
1. Subsidy for the final round
Teams entering the final round can receive a fixed subsidy for equipment transportation and travel expenses.
(1) Travel expense: Teams from outside of Taichung City can receive a maximum of NTD$1,600 of travel expense per person per trip (round trip).All expenditure is verified with receipts, and taxi fare is excluded.
(2) Equipment transportation expense: Each team can receive a maximum of NTD$7,000. The expense is verified with invoices (physical copies); duplicate or triplicate invoices both apply.
Title: Taiwan Automation Intelligence and Robotics Association
Government Unified Business Number: 26895067.
※ Taxi fare used for equipment transportation is included, but the subsidy only applies to the trip between Taichung HSR Station and GPM Taichung facility.
※ When renting a car to transport the equipment, the car renting fee is considered equipment transportation expense, while the gas bill for the trip is categorized as a travel expense.
(3) All receipts and invoices must be mailed to TAIROA by Jul 15, 2025 (according to the post stamp), and each team must compile and include a Participant Expense/ Subsidy Reimbursement Form (signatures are required).
Mail to Miss Chen at TAIROA at the following address: 4F., No. 26, Jingke Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 40852, Taiwan.
Subsidy/ reimbursement will be canceled for teams who fail to hand in receipts and invoices in time.
(4) All subsidy funds will be transferred to the bank accounts of competition participants. Each team must make payments to the respective supporting vendors and companies independently.
2. Subsidy for the Exhibition:
The winner teams can receive a fixed amount of subsidy for equipment transportation and travel expenses, and accommodation for the duration of the Taiwan Automation Intelligence and Robot Show.
Travel expense: Teams from outside Taipei City or New Taipei City can receive a maximum of NTD$3,000 of travel expense per person per trip (round trip). All expenditure is verified with receipts, and taxi fare is excluded.
Accommodation: Teams entering the final round from outside Taipei City or New Taipei City can receive accommodation - a single room for the instructor and a twin room for the students. ※ In principle, the subsidy covers four days and three nights of accommodation; if the teams require an extra day to set up the presentation, they can apply for an extension to five days and four nights.
Equipment transportation expense: Each team can receive a maximum of NTD$7,000. The expense is verified with invoices (physical copies); duplicate or triplicate invoices both apply.
Title: Taiwan Automation Intelligence and Robotics Association
Government Unified Business Number: 26895067.
※ Taxi fare used for equipment transportation is included, but the subsidy only applies to the trip between Taipei and Nangang HSR Stations and Nangang Exhibition Hall facility.
※ When renting a car to transport the equipment, the car renting fee is considered equipment transportation expense, while the gas bill for the trip is categorized as a travel expense.
All receipts and invoices must be mailed to TAIROA by Aug 29, 2025 (according to the post stamp), and each team must compile and include a Winner Teams Expense/ Subsidy Reimbursement Form for 2024 TAIROS (signatures are required).
Mail to Miss Chen at TAIROA at the following address: 4F., No. 26, Jingke Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 40852, Taiwan. Subsidy/ reimbursement will be canceled for teams who withdraw from the TAIROS exhibition early or fail to hand in receipts and invoices in time.
All subsidy funds will be transferred to the bank accounts of competition participants. Each team must make payments to the respective supporting vendors and companies independently.
Intellectual property
The intellectual property rights of the project entries belong to competition participants. At the same time, the organizer (and the execution organization) has the right to photograph, publish, write about, exhibit, and other ways of using the documents, images, and files of selected / winner entries for research, promotion, and education purposes. Selected / winner team members must not object to the abovementioned uses and must provide relevant images and information.
If the materials used in project entries are partially based on other people's works, competition participants must include an author consent form in the submitted materials.
For all winner entries, GPM has the priority right to purchase the intellectual property at a price agreed upon by both parties of the transaction. Or, when the organizer (and the execution organization) helps bring the winner entries to commercialization, the rights and obligations of the two parties shall be determined on a separate occasion.
If the participants plan to apply for a patent for the materials used in the project entries before or after participating in the competition, the participants must inform the execution organization before the competition or before applying for the patent.
On the day of the final round review, team representatives must not wear garments with any recognizable school or department symbols or texts. They must not show the name of the schools, school crests, or the names of the instructors on the poster display, document, or exhibition materials. The instructors must recuse themselves when the jury members review the project entries.
For scoring criteria, please refer to Form C, specifically the C1 Preliminary Review Scoring Sheet and C2 Final Review Scoring Sheet.
Competition entries having been reported and confirmed to be outsourced or violating any competition regulations must be disqualified, and the team members must return the award once disqualified.
The intellectual property rights of the project entries belong to competition participants, and the teams must protect the intellectual property themselves.
If any participant information stated in the Team Information form has been confirmed to be false, the organizer shall disqualify the participant. If there must be changes to team participants after submitting Team Information, the team must submit documents (in physical, written form) to the organizer for approval.
If the project entering the final round is confirmed plagiarized or has violated any competition regulations, the team members must return the award and be disqualified. The legal liability lies in the team participants, not the organizer.
Any delay in submitting documents or entry information, or the materials submitted fail to comply with the required format, including exceeding the page limit, the team is deemed to forfeit the eligibility to participate in the competition.
All materials submitted will not be returned. Participants must retain copies of their own.
The organizer has the right to use the images, slides, and illustration texts of the competition entries free of charge in exhibitions, promotions, and publishing relevant to intelligent automation.
The organizer reserves the right to explain and adjust the content of affairs unspecified in this section.
For other unspecified information, please call Miss Chen at TAIROA