Since GPM's founding in 1978, the company has valued honesty and loyalty, emphasizing the people-oriented management philosophy. GPM strives to provide a space for every employee to shine, a comfortable work environment, and comprehensive talent development plans. We welcome you to join the GPM family and explore the infinite possibilities.
Search for job openings
Step 01
In-person interview
Step 03
Result notification
Step 04
Search for job openings |
Please go to Job openings and search for suitable openings; click Apply to send your resume. |
Resume screening |
Upon receiving your resume, GPM will take the applicants' academic background, experience, and professional skills into account and select suitable candidates for further interviews. |
In-person interview |
In-person interviews consist of supervisor interviews and proficiency exams. You can check the job description and company benefits with HR or the interviewing supervisor. Afterward, GPM will notify the accepted applicants via telephone and email. |
Result notification |
GPM will notify the accepted applicants via telephone and email the letter of appointment. |
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